Bay Window Shutters
Bay window shutters can transform living rooms and bedrooms into stylish and spacious looking rooms without impacting on existing decoration, and (more importantly), privacy. We find they are perfect for Victorian style houses placed alongside busy roads or footpaths as they obstruct the view from outside while allowing a generous amount of light to pass through. For this reason, they are one of our most popular shutters and haven’t decreased in popularity since we began fitting many years ago. They are most commonly white in colour, although they do come in other colours for the particularly daring customers!

Are bay window shutters good for old houses?
Bay window shutters are great for older houses, such as Victorian or Edwardian properties. Their draught-proofing benefits are really good at warming up large rooms with older style windows, and they style of the shutters compliment the period features well. Most customers who have period properties opt for full height shutters, which cover the whole bay window, or cafe shutters which come half to 2/3 of the up the window.
Do bay window shutters block noise?
Bay window shutters can block out noise as they are made from solid materials, such as wood or faux wood. Especially when closed, the barrier they provide dampens outside noise considerably which makes them a great option if you live on a busy road or near something noisy. They are not soundproof, but offer better protection than other window coverings such as blinds or curtains.

Are bay window shutters blackout?
Bay window shutters are not blackout, but do block a huge amount of light when fully closed. As we fit our shutters to your window measurements, your shutters should fit your window recess perfectly, meaning as little light as possible will escape through the top and sides. The actual shutter louvres will let a small amount of light through when closed, but will still darken your room considerably. We have photos on our gallery of open and closed shutters, or you can get in touch and we’ll happily send some over to you.
We have an article covering this which shows shutters open and closed: Are shutters blackout?
Wooden or Faux Wood
These shutters can be made in hardwood or faux wood, depending on your needs and the style you prefer.
Any Angle, Any Size
We measure your window and the angle of your bay to make sure the fit is as perfect as possible.
Variety of Styles
Full height or cafe style? We can provide a variety of styles for your bay window.