Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
Can you explain shutter terminology?
There are several terms we use when talking about shutters that you might not know. To help you tell us what you want, and understand what we’re suggesting, we’ve put together a guide of common shutter terms.
Are indoor shutters energy saving?
Indoor plantation shutters are a great way to save energy and reduce your energy bills. They offer increased protection from draughts, cold and even sun in the summer time. Find out more on by reading this article Do shutters save energy costs?
Are shutters good for Victorian homes?
Shutters make a great addition to Victorian homes, and can be installed to match the style of the era. Particularly Café shutters, which cover the lower half of a window, which are a popular choice for large lounge windows in Victorian homes. Read more here: Victorian Style Window Shutters – What works best for your Victorian home?
Can shutters be made for oddly shaped or very large windows?
Yes, shutters are a good choice for oddly shaped or very large windows. We can fit bespoke shutters made to measure your windows – a much neater fit than other options such as curtains which would cover up the beauty of your window. Find out more here: Special Shape Shutters
How do you clean indoor shutters?
Shutters rarely need cleaning as their mechanical movement & curved shape disrupts dust, but Poly vinyl wrapped, UPVC shutters can be cleaned with mild detergent or wet wipes if you do want to give them a wipe over.
Can I light a candle near my shutters?
Candles are widely reported as giving off excess fine soot if the wick is not trimmed to the right burn height. Keep them away from curtains, blinds, & window coverings.
Are shutter blinds blackout?
In a word, no. When closed, shutters will allow a glow of light through, though less than venetian blinds due to their design. See an example and read more on this article: Are Shutters Blackout?
Are shutters good for children's bedrooms?
Shutters are a great option for children’s bedrooms due to their durability and safety features. There are lots of reasons why they’re a great option. Read more about why shutters are great for children’s bedrooms.
How much do shutters cost?
Shutters can vary in cost depending on size, style, material and colour. They are usually more expensive than blinds or curtains, but are likely to last a long time in comparison.
Our shutters are fairly priced – we are able to offer better prices due to being a small business and so our quotes usually beat larger companies. We also have the benefit of being local, you can visit our in-house showroom and see lots of reviews from other locals to Droitwich Spa and Worcestershire.
What are the different types of shutters?
There are many types of indoor shutter. Our most popular shutters are:
Café Shutters cover the lower half of your window.
Bay window shutters are specifically made to fit your bay window, curved or square.
Full height shutters cover the whole window, great for rooms facing busy roads and walkways.
Bathroom shutters are made from waterproof material, are wipe clean and offer great privacy too.
See more shutter types on this page: Shutters

Which shutters are best for you?
Give us a call or email us today and we’ll find the right solution for your home.
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